Thursday, July 9, 2020

A Star is born


                             A STAR IS BORN

                                                       -Srinanda Nath

I refuse to believe that you haven’t once in your life, stared at the night sky and wondered what’s out there! To a layman, the night sky is a canvas, where he sees stars and occasionally, he may recollect having heard about a comet/shooting star. To most, the night sky is where you go, once you die, and you magically get transformed into a celestial body. Guess what? They are not 100% wrong about that!

Stepping into geology, you probably have heard about the grand inauguration that we had 13.7 billion years ago, called the Big Bang, if you don't, I at least expect that you must have heard about the namesake show P.S. please don’t get your hopes up, the show has nothing to do with the Big Bang). Everything that you see and touch around you, was created during this event that we call the Big Bang. All matter that we see and touch around us was either formed during the Big Bang or subsequently in stars or supernovae.... Read more.

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