Saturday, July 18, 2020

Photography for Geoscientists

Why a Geologist Should Know The Basics of Photography

--Arindam Biswas

We, the Geologists are trained to observe and record the world around us. The simple use of a hammer, clinometer compass, hand lens, GPS, and notebook can help us to solve the mystery hidden within the rocks. Often, we click and use various photographs to unearth these mysteries. But do we really know how these photographs are taken? Or the proper use of a camera to take the best shots? Nowadays, with the advent of good mobile cameras, we click numerous photos during our field works but, if you notice carefully, most of those photos lack the basic requirements to be a good photograph. 

A camera is one of the most important tools for a geologist. When supported by proper knowledge of photography it can help us unravel the processes that shaped the landscape around us both at present and past times. Any geologist in the world needs to use a camera or a photograph for a better understanding of the processes going on and under the Earth’s surface. Even while using Google Earth, one is using a set of photos unknowingly to find features of their interest. So, as Geologists, we must know how things are working when someone is using a camera or a photograph.

I am not an expert in clicking photographs but I do understand the necessity of this valuable skill. So, here I am sharing my knowledge to make all my geologist friends aware of this valuable skill.

To be a useful photographer one must know a few things like how a camera workshow to compose the perfect frame and a little bit of post-processing knowledge. To read the full article click here.

Here these fractures in the ice are leading your eyes to the end of the horizon automatically. You do not have to put the effort to move your eyes from one point to another. (Image source:

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