Showing posts with label Thermal Conductivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thermal Conductivity. Show all posts

Monday, August 3, 2020

How Earth is retaining its magnetic field?

Image Source: Today I Found Out

First of all, the Earth shows it's magnetic field because of it's internal geodynamic nature. And it is believed that Earth's outer core is responsible for this kind of behavior. Unlike the mineral-rich crust and mantle, the core is made almost entirely of metals. Along with iron (Fe), silicon (Si) is also found at Earth’s core whose thermal conductivity has an impact on Earth’s thermal structure, evolution, and dynamics, as it controls the magnitude of thermal and compositional sources required to sustain the internal geodynamo of Earth. Scientists have directly measured the thermal conductivity of both solid Fe and Fe-Si alloys up to 144 GPa and 3300 K. 15 at% Si alloyed in Fe significantly reduces its conductivity by almost 2 folds at 132GPa and 3000 K. At similar pressure-temperature conditions, an outer core with 15 at% Si would have a conductivity of about 20 W m-1 K-1, which is lower than pure Fe. This suggests that a lower minimum heat flow, around 3TW, across the core-mantle boundary than previously expected, and thus less thermal energy needed to operate the geodynamo.

🔖 To know more about this research Click here.

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